Skyborn is a full-stack robotics company tackling machine learning for robot hardware from the ground up.
Our goal is to create assistive tools to improve human output of repetitive tasks.
We're prioritizing thoughtful design for how humans will interact with robotics in automation environments.
Founded by industry veterans of IOT, wearables, augmented reality and robotics that believe human-assistive robots will bring to life a new generation of hardware products to improve our lives at work and at home.
We can't detail too much about the technology because we're still in stealth mode. But our vision is for building robust, intelligent robot assistants that are affordable and human-safe thanks to software breakthroughs in machine learning, and computer vision to drive down costs.
We are roboticists that come from all different fields: augmented reality, security cameras, art school, computer vision research, aerospace, and more.
Sign up if you're interested in using or developing with the next generation of robots with Skyborn.